Maps of Orbits and Crossover Locations per Data Take

IPF Baseline:

This tool allows you to view maps of the 20Hz LRM and SARIN echo locations and the calculated crossover locations for each 30 and 45-day data take of Level-2 GDR-A.

These plots provide a low level check of the spatial distribution of the Level-2 echos and resulting crossover locations.

The first crossover data take starts from 18/10/2010, following the switch to SIRAL-A at the end of the commissioning phase.

Select Data Take Period:
30-days 60-days

Commissioning Phase (Baseline-C) 12-Jul-2010 - 17-Oct-2010

Maps per 30-day Data Take
Data take Timespan Antarctica Greenland Global
310/9/10 -> 9/10/10LRM / SARIN LRM / SARIN LRM
211/8/10 -> 9/9/10LRM / SARIN LRM / SARIN LRM
112/7/10 -> 10/8/10LRM / SARIN LRM / SARIN LRM