Project Partners
The Cryosat+AO project involves an international team of seven separate institutions in four countries, and is led by UCL-MSSL in the UK.
Partner Roles
UCL-MSSL is the Project Lead. UCL-MSSL will oversee WP2 data collection on the management side and lead WP3.3 the comparison of retrackers over leads and open ocean. UCL-MSSL will also lead W5 Dataset Generation and Impact Assessment.
UCL-CPOM: Michel Tsamados is the Science Leader and CryoSat and sea ice expert. Responsible for coordination of the scientific input to the projects, quality control, liaison and co-ordination with non-core collaborators, project promotion. Leads WP1 Scientific Requirements,WP 6 Scientific Roadmap , WP5.2 Generate Ocean Products followed by WP5.3 Scientific Analysis , WP5.4 Assimilate Data Into Models.UCL-CPOM will also lead WP 5.6 Collate the generated datasets, document them and host them on the website.
CLS: Jean-Christope Poisson is an altimetry processing methods expert.CLS will act as leader for WP3 Along Track Product Development and Validation. Leader of WP3.2 SAR/SARIN methods to detect leads vs floes. and WP5.5 Scientific impact assessment.
Rene Forsberg is a laser altimetry, gravity field and sea level expert. Will lead WP1.3 Survey of Sea Ice Initiatives and WP2 Dataset collection. Overall leadership for WP4 Gridded Product Development and Validation and will lead WP 4.1 Enhanced gridded sea ice product.
IsardSAT: Monica Roca is an altimetry processing expert. IsardSAT will support leadership of WP3 and lead several sub-workpackages including WP3.2.1 Lead Detection with Fully Focussed SAR
LEGOS: Sara Fleury is a sea ice altimetry expert. LEGOS will will lead WP3.1 Geographic corrections and WP3.4 Snow depth on Sea Ice. WP4.2 Enhanced gridded sea ice products will feed in WP 4.3 Merging of satellite products. LEGOS will support leadership for WP4 Gridded Product Development and Validation.
ShepherdSpace: Andrew Shepherd is a Cryosat and cryosphere expert with overall leadership for WP2 and leadership of several sub-workpackages including WP1.2 Survey of Sea Ice Initiatives, WP3.5 Comparison of Retrackers over Sea Ice and WP5.1 Generate Sea ice Freeboard/Thickness products.